Primary Leadership Team Welcome
Dear Parents and Students,
As we embark on this exciting new academic year, we are thrilled to reaffirm our commitment to fostering a learning environment rooted in strong values and a rich, dynamic curriculum. At our school, we believe that education is not just about academic excellence, but also about nurturing the personal and social character of each student, empowering them to grow into well-rounded individuals who are prepared to thrive in all aspects of life.
This year, we are particularly focused on upholding the values that form the foundation of our community—unity, kindness, integrity, and respect. These values are intricately woven into our curriculum and daily interactions, guiding us as we work together to create a positive and supportive atmosphere for all.
The school has an improved behavior management system, and this is supposed to help the children to show excellent attitude towards learning and other people. QAS is seriously moving into Inquiry Based Learning of which Assessment for Learning plays an integral role. This will equip our children with an excellent sense of reasoning and high confidence to become responsible life-long learners.
One of our key goals this year is to strengthen our partnership with parents. We recognize the vital role you play in your child’s education, and we are committed to listening to your insights and increasing your engagement in our school community. By working collaboratively, we can ensure that each student is equipped with the tools they need to succeed both inside and outside the classroom.
Thank you for your continued support and trust. We look forward to a year filled with growth, learning, and shared successes.
Warm regards,
Primary Leadership Team
IB Primary Years Programme Early Years
Experiences during the early years lay the foundation for all future learning. A rapid rate of development during the early years occurs in the physical, emotional, social and cognitive domains. The brain and body develop faster than at any other point in a child’s life. Social development also takes shape in these early years as children are intrinsically motivated to discover, to play, and to make connections between themselves, others and their environments.
At QA Sidra, intentionally designed and meaningful play is the vehicle for learning. Through positioning play central to children’s development, teachers create a non-threatening environment for children to learn about the world at their own pace. PYP early years teachers create stimulating learning spaces, listen deeply to students and craft exciting avenues for inquiry. They ensure a balance between listening to individuals, shaping shared investigations and ensuring overall intentions for learning. Using a repertoire of strategies, tools, and understandings, teachers work closely with students to co-construct inquiries and reflect regularly on their practice.
IB Primary Years Programme Elementary Years
The Primary Years Program (PYP) supports students from Early Learners-Pre 3-to PYP (Grade) 5. In finding a core of knowledge relevant to all students in international settings, the PYP bases its curriculum framework around Units of Inquiry that follow Transdisciplinary Themes.
Who We Are – Where We Are In Place And Time – How We Express Ourselves – How The World Works – How We Organize Ourselves
Sharing the planet The units of inquiry are usually four to six weeks long. They are based around a central idea and provide opportunities for further inquiry. Using a constructivist approach (constructing new understanding by building on the students prior knowledge) traditional subjects are integrated and connected to support learning. Each unit includes structured, purposeful inquiry that engages students actively in their own learning. The students make connections between life in school, life at home and life in the world. Connecting learning to the world is a key to be effective life-long learners and developing international-mindedness.
The Curriculum Framework Within The PYP Includes 5 Essential Elements:
- Knowledge – What do we want students to know?
- Concepts – What do we want students to understand?
- Approaches to Learning Skills – What do we want students to be able to do?
- Attitudes – What do we want students to feel, value and demonstrate?
- Action – How do we want students to act?
An inquiry approach allows students to construct knowledge in units of learning and stand-alone lessons. This means that teachers are facilitators of opportunities where children: inquire, make connections, develop conceptual understandings, think critically, work collaboratively, consider multiple perspectives, construct meaning, reflect, and take action.